wow, here is someone who had enough time to actually design and get working a high heel shoe car, now if we only put this much time and effort into something useful like finding a cure for cancer!
high heel shoe shoe car shoe automobile |
So how does a snowmobile do vs a tree? Hint: The tree wins. Needless to say this guy fails as you would expect in the video
snowmobile tree fail video |
Go back 10 years and you can see what the prototype first automobile GPS system looked like, nothing like a big globe mounted to the dash of your car eh...
first car gps system GPS car GPS |
Mobile apps have taken over in the past few years, check out this great source of information on how to best obtain the apps you want and your choices.
From: Online MBA (www.onlinemba.com)
mobile apps information |
I think this is supposed to be a funny tshirt advertisement from T-Mobile about them having the largest 4G network in America, I don't think they could have envisioned it being such a 'wide' and bold statement.
T-Mobile largest 4G network funny tshirt |
We have all heard about the proposed AT&T merger with TMobile, or more precisely that AT&T wireless is buying TMobile. Just a funny picture showing AT&T as the deathstar taking out TMobile
AT&T and TMobile AT&T TMobile wireless |
A very well done and funny cartoon showing how the AT&T and TMobile merger may affect consumers. Here is the thing though, this is the same old boring argument that occurs every time any 2 competitors try to merge and for the most part it is baseless. There would be alot of efficiencies gained...
AT&T TMobile merger funny cartoon |
Not a bad idea, but I don't think I would trust a mobile ATM machine
ATM machine mobile |