Have I mentioned that Halloween is my new favorite holiday? I mean check out Christina Aguilera dressed up as a naughty little nurse, I don't know who the guy is , but I don't really care either.
Naughty Nurse Christina Aguilera |
The entire cast of The Big Bang Theory all dressed up for Halloween and of course I will file this one under Kaley Cuoco because once again she is looking ever so hot. I believe later in this same episode she dresses up as Wonder Woman
Kaley Cuoco Bing Bang Theory Halloween |
Ok people, its that time of year again with Halloween just around the corner, but please use some common sense, wearing a mask inside a bank is likely not a good idea and might get you killed.
Halloween funny sign bank mask |
It is the season to change your wallpaper people, you would be amazed at how much it can change your emotions just by changing your wallpaper to something a bit more seasonal, it will be Halloween soon so why not get rid of that hot babe on your desktop for something a little bit more inline with...
Halloween wallpaper halloween wallpaper |