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Steroid Babe Olympics
Added: 16th May 2009
Views: 6254
Comments: 1

Some people think there are many babes in the Olympics that use steroids,... I don't know, I just don't see it. Notice what category I put this under?

Tags: steroid babe Olympics
Earth hit my massive Asteroid
Added: 10th October 2010
Views: 3458
Comments: 1

A view from the moon if the earth were hit with a massive asteroid, I don't think it is realistic, but a neat and creative picture anyway

Tags: Earth asteroid picture asteroid earth hit by asteroid
Cool picture showing your odds of dying
Added: 4th December 2011
Views: 3172
Comments: 1

A very cool picture chart showing various odds of you dying from a particular even, like an asteroid, lightning strike, etc... A neat statistical analysis of what could happen.

Tags: cool picture odds of dying lightning strike statistical analysis
Only in Russia will Space Explore You
Added: 16th February 2013
Views: 5296
Comments: 0

The meteor that recently came down in Russia blew out windows of 1000s of building and injured quite a few people. Only in Russia can space come and explore you!

Tags: Russia Meteor Space Russian Asteroid