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Airplane make a wrong turn
Added: 24th July 2008
Views: 3744
Comments: 1

Not sure what could have happened here really, but why the hell does an airport have a moat? I mean really, aren't you just asking for an accident by some drunk pilot at some point?

Tags: airplane accident wrong turn drunk pilot
Crazy Skilled Airline Pilot
Added: 11th November 2008
Views: 2825
Comments: 0

wow, check out where this runway is and how the pilot has to navigate to get to the runway. Granted, I am sure a lot of this is computer controlled on approach, but wow, time for a new runway if you ask me.

Tags: Crazy Skilled Airline Pilot
Meredith Like this Navy Pilot
Added: 11th October 2009
Views: 2313
Comments: 0

Meredith from Who Wants to be a Millonaire likes this Navy pilot and she tells it like it is, she is even almost out of line in what she keeps saying as she hits on him

Tags: Meredith Navy Pilot
Funny copilot sign
Added: 6th June 2011
Views: 3080
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Ever wonder what the copilot in a plane really does? I mean unless the actual pilot dies what does this guy do for the entire flight? Well, here is your funny sign right in the cockpit that answers your question.

Tags: funny sign copilot plane
Airline Pilot takes down passenger
Added: 2nd August 2016
Views: 16207
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An American Airlines pilot had to take down an unruly passenger for what appears to be acting like an idiot while drunk

Tags: American Airline pilot take down video