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Loser Stick Figures
Added: 21st July 2008
Views: 5004
Comments: 0

ahh.. nothing like bringing back the good ole days when we would have all thought these funny stick figure drawings would be good

Tags: funny stick picture loser
Ninja cat comes closer without moving
Added: 15th September 2008
Views: 3795
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Funny home video of their pet cat with Ninja like abilities, with each peak of the camera this cat gets closer while appearing like he isn't even moving. Very funny

Tags: funny cat ninja
McDonalds Losers
Added: 13th November 2008
Views: 5104
Comments: 1

Now don't take offense if you work or have worked at McDonald's, studies show that 74% of all americans have worked at McDonald's at one point in their life....funny sign, losers

Tags: McDonalds funny sign losers
Funny Website Error Page
Added: 24th March 2009
Views: 3541
Comments: 1

It almost looks like your typical website error page when the site is down, however take a closer look and read what is says.

Tags: funny picture website error error page
Japan Tsunami video on a ship
Added: 29th March 2011
Views: 2745
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A crazy video of what the Tsunami in Japan looked like far out to sea from a ship that goes right over top of it. I guess it make sense the wave gets bigger the closer to shore it gets so they were luck they were a good ways out into the ocean

Tags: Tsunami Japan video ship Japanese Tsunami