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Lady Sitters Video
Added: 30th October 2008
Views: 3512
Comments: 0

Funny video about getting your wife someone to do all those things guys don't want to do, cuddling, dance, decorations, etc.. Just call Lady Sitters and they will deliver a gay guy to your house to take of all those deeds while you are out having fun.

Tags: laddy sitters funny video
Your neighbors house Christmas lights
Added: 6th December 2011
Views: 3154
Comments: 0

So you have one of those neighbors that goes all out decorating the outside of their house with an insane amount of Christmas lights? Well, here is a funny picture showing the way to one up them and only doing 1% of the work they put into it and a 90% cheaper electric bill.

Tags: Christmas Christmas lights decorations neighbors house house lights