Check out this guy looking just like his cock friends, so many different comments and jokes I could make about this funny picture and stupid guy, but they would all be so obvious I will leave it up to your imagination.
rooster cock rooster guy |
Someone should really get off their butt and fix the lighting in this sign... or perhaps it has been really good for business and they don't intend to fix it, you know what they say, there is no such thing as bad publicity and there is nothing like some yummy cock yogurt, WTF
funny sign yogurt cock bad publicity |
Ever wonder what the copilot in a plane really does? I mean unless the actual pilot dies what does this guy do for the entire flight? Well, here is your funny sign right in the cockpit that answers your question.
funny sign copilot plane |
Funny sign from the IT System administrator telling you to not feed his intern, they are tearing him down to build him up to be a new Sys Admin, cocky and the whole bit.
system administrator IT funny sign sys admin |
Check out this crazy video of an extremely low altitude flyby view from the cockpit, watch the guys on the ground as they actually have to duck and scramble out of the way.
flyby low altitude cockpit crazy video |