These prices may look silly now, but I am guessing in 10 years our children won't believe that we paid $2000 for our PC's today, in fact, I am waiting for the first time he says "you actually had to use monitors?"
computer price advertisement |
Here is yet another great sexy Axe shower gel commercial. Girls dance around a shower drain pole in this creative advertisement. I use Axe and it works great!
Sexy Axe Commercial |
An interesting info graphic with facts about Superbowl advertisements and the history behind their price tags. Brought to you by marketingdegree.net
Interesting Superbowl Info-graphic |
Auntie Annes should really find a new company to do their marketing and if they do it themselves... well not sure what to say, but this is a bad advertisement on a billboard for sure.
funny auntie annes pretzel advertisement |
Really, has it come to this, everywhere we look these days there are advertisements, websites, more commercials on TV, but livestock, cows, this has got to be a new low...
advertisement cow ad cow commercials |
Times sure have changed for computers, but 2 bytes are better than 1 is still true I would say. Funny 1978 computer advertisement
funny computer advertisement |