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The Sneeze
Added: 3rd October 2009
Views: 2127
Comments: 0

A new advertising campaign urging South Australians to get a flu shot has been launched. This advert by the South Australian Department of Health has a high yuck factor but a very serious message

Tags: sneeze
Stupid sign at McDonalds toilet
Added: 1st December 2011
Views: 3996
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I have read this over and over and I still can't figure out what they are trying to say with this stupid sign at a McDonald's in Australia. Your waste becomes their property and they are going to serve it?

Tags: stupid sign McDonalds Australia waste products
Ever wonder what is in Australia
Added: 25th October 2011
Views: 2371
Comments: 1

Well, if you have ever wondered what is in Australia, what it is like, would you like to go there, etc.... here is a funny picture showing you real quick just what to expect. Nothing, but death perhaps.

Tags: Australia funny picture nothing