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Brand new ladies panties, not used
Added: 19th April 2011
Views: 3652
Comments: 1

Now what a great deal on these ladies panties, only .88 and they aren't even used!

Tags: ladies panties new panties not used
Need Welfare take a drug test first
Added: 19th May 2011
Views: 3426
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Seriously, I don't know how this is not already in place today. If you collect welfare because you genuinely need the help then fine, but if you are lazy ass drug addict then go away so the money can be used on people trying to better themselves and contribute to this country

Tags: welfare drug test Welfare drug test
Funny sign used all your sick days
Added: 8th June 2011
Views: 2643
Comments: 1

Now we finally have a solution for when you use up all your sick days at work! Just call in dead and take the day off, brilliant!

Tags: funny sign sick days work
The truth about Facebook
Added: 10th October 2011
Views: 2317
Comments: 1

Ever wonder why a service that is used by so many people around the world is Free? Or is Facebook really Free...... perhaps you should be charging them for your information?

Tags: Facebook the truth Free
Cassette tape and a pencil link
Added: 11th October 2011
Views: 7055
Comments: 1

For those of us that grew up with cassette tapes, we understand this funny picture and just how a pencil is used with a cassette tape. Try explaining it to your kids and watch their faces.

Tags: cassette tape pencil funny picture
Amazing sun perspective picture
Added: 15th October 2011
Views: 2411
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You have likely seen these perspective pictures lately with an object in the background, in this case the sun was used. It takes some patience and help from another person, but once you get the perspective correct the pictures come out amazing.

Tags: cool picture sun perspective
Funny sign | not totally useless
Added: 26th October 2011
Views: 2491
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Here is a funny sign letting you know that this guy isn't totally useless as he could actually be used as a bad example.

Tags: funny sign totally useless
Lemon Law funny picture Chevy Volt
Added: 5th December 2011
Views: 3574
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The Lemon Law as most people know it is officially called the Federal Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, but basically it protects consumers from vehicles that have problem after problem as provides them some protection. Check out this funny picture of a Chevy Volt that implies the Lemon Law will be used.

Tags: Lemon Law Federal Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act funny picture Chevy Volt
Funny sign married men take orders
Added: 7th January 2012
Views: 3959
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A funny sign that appears to be sponsored by Coca Cola that this restaurant only hires married men since they are used to taking orders.

Tags: funny sign Coca Cola married men taking orders restaurant
How do real men shave their face
Added: 17th January 2012
Views: 4719
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Now this is how a real man shaves his face in the morning before work, forget those little women sized razors, those are used for their little legs, this is a man here shaving with a chainsaw

Tags: real men shave their face chain saw women razors legs