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Screen Team Christmas ParodyLong legs in heels for a sexy selfieCute Debby Ryan in stockings and bootsElizabeth Ann Roberts 2Celebrity Diane LaneAngie Griffin YouTube babe looking very sexy with her legs and boobs as a hot girlscoutPretty Emma Watson and her kittySexy Emma Watson showing her Legs

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Passed out Guy Beer cans balanced on his Head
Added: 1st December 2009
Views: 3787
Comments: 1

I guess worse things have happened to guys and gals that are passed out after a night of drinking, but this is pretty amazing with all those cans balanced on his head

Tags: passed out beer cans drinking
Starbucks iPhone Wallpaper
Added: 20th July 2010
Views: 5150
Comments: 1

Now you can drool for that Starbucks coffee all day when you look at your new pretty little iPhone, here it is, the official Starbucks wallpaper, just set it and forget it!

Tags: Starbucks iPhone wallpaper wallpaper coffee
Emma Watson is sweet
Added: 31st January 2011
Views: 4067
Comments: 1

Celebrity babe Emma Watson sure does appear to like her sweets, she looks pretty sweet to me

Tags: Emma Watson sweet celebrity
Pretty Angelina Jolie picture
Added: 4th February 2011
Views: 3457
Comments: 1

A nice picture of Angelina Jolie back when she was still pretty, I think she has lost too much weight and looks too kicka$$ instead of feminine right now though, let the comments on this one begin!

Tags: pretty Angelina Jolie Angelia Jolie celebrity picture
Nerd Christmas Tree
Added: 4th February 2011
Views: 2968
Comments: 0

Yes, I know Christmas is over and still a long ways off for this year, but thought this nerd tree was pretty funny, if you aren't a nerd you probably won't understand it

Tags: nerd Christmas tree nerd
Funny Geriatric Dance routine
Added: 4th February 2011
Views: 4206
Comments: 0

Check out these geriatric guys, you have to give them credit, pretty good for old guys, very creative, entertaining and I bet it made you smile.

Tags: funny geriatric dance video dance video funny video
Rules for Dating my Daughter
Added: 15th September 2013
Views: 6493
Comments: 1

Finally a shirt that spells it out directly. The rules for dating my daughter are as follows. Pretty funny but seriously correct all at the same time.

Tags: Dating Daughter Shirt Rules Funny
Beautiful Summer Glau picture
Added: 7th February 2011
Views: 3400
Comments: 0

Summer Glau in a very beautiful picture showing off her lovely face and sexy body. Check out her eyes, she really is quite a pretty lady. She has been in quite a few shows, but you have probably seen her most in the Terminator show and Firefly

Tags: beautiful Summer Glau legs terminator firefly Summer Glau celebrity babe sexy
Pretty Eliza Dushku picture
Added: 7th February 2011
Views: 3533
Comments: 2

Eliza Dushku looking very pretty while out in her short dress showing off her great legs in heels. Check out the guy in the tie sneaking a quick peek, can you blame him?

Tags: Pretty Eliza Dushku picture legs heels pretty short dress
Pretty Katie Holmes picture
Added: 9th February 2011
Views: 3433
Comments: 3

A very pretty picture of little Katie Holmes, although I guess she isn't really that little since she is way taller than her weirdo husband Tom Cruise

Tags: Katie Holmes Tom Cruise weirdo husband