What do you think about the Facebook IPO, will investors treat it better as a public company more than when it was a private company?
Facebook Facebook IPO IPO public company private company investors |
Crazy videos here that you should check out, and if you don't want to , then fine don't click here
crazy videos |
Uh, oh. You're at your front door without a key. If you've got a credit card, see if you can get it to open the door before you use it to pay for a locksmith
unlock door credit card |
Girl Friend Scared To Death By Dummy Head
Girl Friend Scared Dummy Head |
Sorry Honey, I can't talk, take one for the team
sorry honey team |
Get your very own Osama Bin Laden former hide and seek champion funny shirt, complete with a bullet in his head
Osama Bin Laden shirt hide and seek champion funny shirt |
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first lunar landing, Slate V made a funny video about how TV news would cover that historic event if it happened in 2009.
man moon |
Kiai Martial Artist He knocks people down with the sound of his voice.
Kiai Martial Artist |
Michael Phelps and NBC Host Caught Smoking Pot During Interview
michael phelps smoking pot |
Naked guy forces a shoot out with the cops and gets tasered where nobody should ever be tasered
naked guy taser |
Amazing Sawdust Explosion
Amazing Sawdust Explosion |
This guy really needs to get a life with his super hero like homemade device, give me a break
superhero guy |
Weights fall on kid. Trying to impress the ladies. FAIL
Weights fall on kid |
A hot naked chick in a theme park ride? That's two amazing and cool things at the same time!
naked themepark rollercoaster |
Men are pigs I guess huh, check this babe out, this is how the Swine Flu all got started people
funny swine flu picture |